API Reference
Validate OTP

Validating OTP

Validating OTP codes is for "simple" and "expert" plans only. If you're on the "free" plan, upgrade (opens in a new tab) to access this feature. Already a subscriber? Go to your dashboard (opens in a new tab) to create keys for an app.

This guide explains how to validate a One-Time Password (OTP) using the SimpleText API. Once you have requested an OTP, you can use the referenceId returned by requestOTP to validate the OTP code entered by the user. Recall that all phone numbers that you are requesting an OTP code for are expected to be in E.164 format (e.g., if your phone number is +1-123-456-7890, you would send it as +11234567890).

Code Examples

Using the SimpleText Package

Once you have requested a one-time code with requestOtp, you will be returned a RequestOtpResponse object with a reference_id. Use the validateOTP method to validate an OTP code with the reference_id:

import {simpletext} from "@/lib/simpletext"; // or wherever you put your client!
import {ValidateOTPParams} from "@simpletext/client";
export async function validateOTP() {
  const params: ValidateOTPParams = {
    to: "+13472764531",
    referenceId: "abc123def456", // unique id returned by a call to requestOTP
    otpCode: "123456", // code sent to the phone number in the to field
  try {
    const response = await simpletext.validateOTP(params);
  } catch (error) {

Using cURL

You can also validate an OTP directly using cURL:

curl -X POST https://api.dev.simpletext.dev/validate-otp \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "to": "+13472764531",
    "reference_id": "abc123def456",
    "otp_code": "123456",
    "SIMPLETEXT_SECRET": "your-secret-here",
    "SIMPLETEXT_APP_ID": "your-app-id-here"

Replace the to, reference_id, otp_code, SIMPLETEXT_SECRET, and SIMPLETEXT_APP_ID values with your actual data.


Both methods will return a response in the following format:

      "message": "OTP verified successfully", 
      "status": true

Handle both successful and failed validations in your application logic.

The status field in the success response will be either "valid" or "invalid" depending on whether the OTP was correct.

Full Walkthrough

This walkthrough will guide you through the process of requesting and validating an OTP code using cURL (as a generic demonstration). This demonstration will use the SimpleText package for Node.js. Note: this assumes you have an account, have created an app, are in the "simple" or "expert" tier, and have your SIMPLETEXT_SECRET and SIMPLETEXT_APP_ID values. If you are looking for an example with NextJS, ShadcnUI and a proper authentication flow, check out this example (opens in a new tab).

Request OTP for a User

curl -X POST https://api.dev.simpletext.dev/request-otp \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "to": "+11234567890",
    "app_name": "MyAppName",
    "SIMPLETEXT_SECRET": "sk_0d1700bb167dfd09bd31c2482fb42b5a", 
    "SIMPLETEXT_APP_ID": "9fe3e866-9dba-4c61-8b01-2b009f10edee"

Get & Save the Response

Once the request has been processed, you will:

  1. Recieve a response with a reference_id. Save this value for later.
  2. Recieve a text message with the OTP code.

An example response would look like:

  "message": "OTP sent successfully", 
  "reference_id": "b2b2a7c01b18443084d9a8c9367726a9", // save this value! 
  "requests_remaining_today": 999, 
  "to": "+11234567890"

Validate the OTP Code

Now, with the code sent to the phone number and the reference_id, we can validate the OTP code sent to the phone number (the text will look like "This is your One Time Password: code from app_name").

curl -X POST https://api.simpletext.dev/validate-otp \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "to": "+13472764531",
    "reference_id": "b2b2a7c01b18443084d9a8c9367726a9",
    "otp_code": "446416",
    "SIMPLETEXT_SECRET": "sk_0d1700bb167dfd09bd31c2482fb42b5a",
    "SIMPLETEXT_APP_ID": "9fe3e866-9dba-4c61-8b01-2b009f10edee"

OTP Response

Depending on whether the user passed in the correct OTP code or not, you will receive a success or error response as seen below:

      "message": "OTP verified successfully", 
      "status": true


In this example, we've shown how you can provide OTP as a part of your application - whether for adding security layers to access pages or for verifying phone numbers of your users. Once again, for fully-built examples leveraging simpletext's API with NextJS, ShadcnUI, and a proper authentication flow, check out this example (opens in a new tab).